The Sofa & Chair Story

The Mid-century modern style was characterised by clear lines as well as gentle organic curves and geometric shapes. Functionality replaced heavy ornaments. Form was to follow function.
Let's make it work for our time, with people from today, modern, sleek, thoughtful, beautiful and with you in mind!

Verona Sofa
Verona sofa, dark

Did you know...

Contemporary designers in those days used materials such as plastic, vinyl, glass, plexiglass and acrylic glass?
Luckily sustainable materials such as timber veneer, plywood, solid timber and semi-precious metals never run out of fashion!

We are a multi-cultural company. With this in mind, we believe in bridging cultures through design. Cultures are defined by people, values, tradition and the very best of hospitality.
Endless and elegant – made for people and comfort!

Using varied shades of neutral with dashes of bold colour.

Made for today, made for you

It is not enough to be merely inspired by past designs. It has to belong in to our world, with needs to fulfil today’s standards, and designs to blend into today’s space.

Making something work for our present is a great experience. We create something different by keeping it simple and elegant, using mindful materials and supporting ethical working practices. Save the planet by making a mindful choice!

Sintra Lounge chair, side view